100-mile Toothbrushing: The Green Beaver Company

If you’ve switched or considered switching to “natural toothpaste” you’ve probably come across Tom’s of Maine, that powerhouse of healthfood store toiletries from the U.S. There is a more local alternative, however, and that is The Green Beaver Company, a small relatively young company in Hawkesbury, ON. Okay, so the ingredients for this toothpaste probably come from far and wide, but it is manufactured within 100-miles of Ottawa.

Green Beaver toothpaste comes in 5 different flavours including star anise, which is homeopathic friendly (it doesn’t contain mint). All  Green Beaver products are free of fluoride, aluminum, artificial fragrances, artificial flavours, dyes, mineral oil, parabens, petrolatum, phtalates, artificial preservatives, and triclosan. None of their products are tested on animals and the toothpaste is free of animal products. It is vegan. Green Beaver toothpaste is also free of the controversial substance sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a substance which is in Tom’s of Maine toothpaste.

To find a retailer that stocks Green Beaver products near you, consult their on-line list of stores, which includes 27 in Ottawa.

The Green Beaver Company, 535 Front Road, Hawkesbury ON K6A 2R2, 1-888-666-1206

P.S. If you’re counting, this brings the total to three cool eco-companies in the Hawkesbury area: The Green Beaver Company, Pinehedge Farms, and Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company.

One thought on “100-mile Toothbrushing: The Green Beaver Company

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