
A solutions-focused blog dedicated to environmental living in Ottawa, Canada.

Green Living Ottawa was initiated by Alette Willis in the spring of 2007 to share information and inspiration on environmentally-friendly living in Ottawa. Green Living Ottawa is guided by the view that highlighting positive experiences of living sustainably is preferable to dwelling on environmental “crisis.” The blog celebrates the many ways that people locally are finding to live “green.”

In the fall of 2008, Alette moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. She remained as editor of the blog for a while before handing over the baton to Denise Deby, a guest blogger for Green Living Ottawa since 2010. Archived posts by Alette are still available on-line. Alette continues to blog at ReStorying the Earth. You can reach Denise at http://denisedeby.com, on Twitter @DeniseDeby or email greenlivingottawa (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you would like to contribute a post to this blog, please see Notes for Guest Bloggers.